Delivery, Installations, Parts

Delivery: To save money your best option is to pick up and deliver the appliance yourself. We do work with a local company to deliver refrigerators for a fee. The cost for delivery is generally $50 – $125.

Also Available Washer / Dryer Delivery by Philip

Extra parts or needed modifications are the customer’s responsibility

0 – 20     Miles $50.00

20 – 40   Miles $75.00

40 – 60   Miles $100.00

Remove Door: $5.00

5 Steps or more $25.00

Move old Appliance $15.00

Install: $20 per appliance

Remove old appliance from property: $15.00

Delivered by: Philip

Call (937) 938-5900

Installation: It is the customer’s responsibility to install the appliance. In most cases, you can install the appliance yourself. If you have never hooked up an appliance you may need to hire a plumber, electrician, or handyman to install your appliance.

Electric Dryer

  • Electric cord rated for appliance and matched to a current home dryer outlet
  • Dryer vent, foil or metal tubing
  • Water hose if dryer has steam options


  • Hot and cold water hose


  • Water hose for Ice maker

Accessories and Parts

Amazon, eBay, and Google searches are your best options for finding parts and accessories. We do not sell any parts or accessories at this time.